
Franselaan 289a
3028 AE Rotterdam


T. 010-4375172
F. 010-4155239




From Rotterdam Central and Schiedam Centrum take bus 38.
Or send us a message using the form below. You can ask us questions through this form. Then we will contact you as soon as possible. If you want an immediate answer to your question or want to make an appointment, call 010-4375172.

Emergency, evening and weekend service

In emergency involves severe pain, an accident or bleeding. During the day, for emergency contact our general number. Please call as early as possible, you are still helping the same day with us.

Emergency after hours emergency service
Do you have acute symptoms or an accident while our practice is closed? Outside our opening hours in the evening from 17:00, weekend and on Sundays and holidays you can call the Tandartsenpost010. Telephonenumber: 010-4552155 . Set in the emergency department of Erasmus MC. The operator will assist you.

Spoedeisende mondzorg of tandheelkunde nodig? 010 455 21 55

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